IT headhunting in the Channel Islands

You bring us a challenging position – we will find your perfect candidate.

Our unique approach is what separates us from our competition. What most people call Headhunting we call good conversation.

IT recruitment with a human focus.

We’re a small company in a fast-moving specialised marketplace. We have a large network in a profession where relationships mean everything. If you ask us, there are no shortcuts to successful IT-recruitment. It’s all about connecting, but even more about staying connected. That’s the way we’ve been working since the very beginning; searching and connecting, with your goals in focus.

Our small size makes us easier to get to know and that’s just how we want it. We believe that effective IT-recruitment can only be achieved when we really understand each other. We know the IT-field. Inside and out. So the better we can understand your wants and needs, the better we’ll be able to fulfill them. For us, the dialogue never ends, because the way we see it, a good conversation is always the start of a long-term relationship.